金秋十月,RSC “编辑面对面” 系列线上研讨会继续邀您一起共品学术下午茶。10 月 17 日第七期的 “编辑面对面”,我们特邀 RSC Mechanochemistry 创刊主编 Tomislav Friščić 教授 (University of Birmingham, UK) ,以及编委会成员王官武教授 (中国科学技术大学), 为大家分享最新科研进展与成果。
学术报告后,专门设有问答环节和文章荐读。RSC Mechanochemistry 的主编和编委将从学术或者出版的角度,推荐期刊近期发表的亮点好文,并分享推荐理由。
聆听期刊权威编委会成员的最新科研进展,获取期刊咨询,了解文章发表要领,且有机会与编辑们互动交流,就在 10 月 17 日下午 3: 00 点!
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* 我们为在 Zoom 平台上与编辑们互动的观众准备了 RSC 精美的礼品一份! 数量有限,期待您的声音与思维碰撞。
Tomislav Friščić 教授
University of Birmingham, UK
RSC Mechanochemistry 主编
To be updated
Tomislav Friščić is a Professor and Leverhulme International Chair in Green and Sustainable Chemistry at the University of Birmingham. His team is developing the solid state as a medium for safer, environmentally-friendly synthesis and functional materials design – with mechanochemistry and photochemistry playing central roles. He received a B.Sc. in Chemistry with Branko Kaitner, focusing on Chemical Crystallography (University of Zagreb, 2001), Ph.D. in organic solid-state supramolecular chemistry and photochemistry with Leonard MacGillivray (University of Iowa, 2006), followed by post-doctoral research with William Jones at the Pfizer Institute for Pharmaceutical Materials Science, and a Herchel Smith Fellowship at the University of Cambridge (2008). He was a Professor and Tier-1 Canada Research Chair in Mechanochemistry and Solid-State Chemistry at McGill University until 2022.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada, and a corresponding member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is a co-founder of two “CleanTech” companies. His group’s work was recognised by awards, including the Royal Society of Chemistry Corday-Morgan Prize (2023), the NSERC John C. Polany Award (2022), the Brusina Medal of the Croatian Society of Natural Sciences (2021), the Royal Society of Canada Rutherford Medal (2018), Steacie Prize for Natural Sciences (2018), etc.
王官武 教授
RSC Mechanochemistry 编委会成员
Recent advances in organic mechanosynthesis
Guan-Wu Wang earned his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Lanzhou University in 1987, 1990 and 1993, respectively. He then did his postdoctoral work at Fudan University, Kyoto University, University o f Kentucky, University of Chicago and Yale University. In May of 2000, he joined the University of Science and Technology of China as an awardee of the ‘‘High-Level Talent Program’’ of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (1999). He is a recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2001) and named as Elsevier’s Most Cited Chinese Researchers (2014-now). He is a Chair Professor at University of Science and Technology of China (2022) and Anhui Normal University (2024). His research interests include mechanochemical organic synthesis and fullerene chemistry.
Advancing the impact of mechanochemistry from fundamental to applied innovations
RSC Mechanochemistry
The first journal dedicated to the study of mechanochemistry
期刊主页 (复制后浏览器打开):
RSC Mechanochemistry 专门发表的创新研究工作将有助于我们更好地理解机械力驱动和控制气态、液态和固态物质发生化学反应和材料转化的原理,同时也将推动我们对这些基本理解的实际应用。作为一本金色开放获取期刊,世界各地的读者都可以免费获取论文的全文,同时在 2026 年年中前免收开放获取论文处理费用 (APC)。
James Batteas 🇺🇸 得克萨斯农工大学 | Tomislav Friščić 🇬🇧 伯明翰大学 |
Associate editors
Evelina Colacino 🇫🇷 蒙彼利埃大学 Charles Gerhardt 研究所 Franziska Emmerling 🇩🇪 联邦材料研究与测试中心 | Hajime Ito 🇯🇵 北海道大学 Kerstin Blank 🇦🇹 约翰开普勒林茨大学 |
Editorial Board Member
Lars Borchardt 🇩🇪 波鸿鲁尔大学 James Mack 🇺🇸 辛辛那提大学 Jeffrey Moore 🇺🇸 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 Maria Elena Rivas 🇬🇧 庄信万丰技术中心 | Wilfred Tysoe 🇺🇸 威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校 Guan-Wu Wang (王官武)🇨🇳 中国科学技术大学 |
* 2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2024)
† CiteScore 2023 by Elsevier
‡ 中位数,仅统计进入同行评审阶段的稿件